Daily demonstrations at 11am, free with admission!


Please note that the cars or exhibit items shown in this database are part of our collection but may not be on display when you visit.

Citroën M-35- 1970

In the late 60s Citroën, like many other car manufacturers, thought that rotary power might be the wave of the future. The M-35 prototype was the first rotary- powered...

Citroen Mehari 4×4 prototype-1974

Introduced in 1968, the Mehari was a new multi-purpose, all terrain pick-up joining Citroën’s family of light, flat-twin vehicles. The Mehari was originally designed with a plastic body which...

Citroën Mehari 4×4- 1982

Introduced in 1968, the Mehari was a new multi-purpose, all terrain pick-up joining Citroën’s family of light, flat twin vehicles. The Mehari was originally designed with a plastic body...

Citroën Saxo Electrique-1997

In 1997 Citroën and Peugeot came out with an electric car based on the compact 106 Series cars.  The car was powered by an electric DC motor and 20...

Citroën SM- 1973

The SM came into being as a pure experiment. With the exception of small, low-powered cars, Citroën was practically alone in building front-wheel drive models. Worried that other manufacturers...

Citroën Tissier Car Carrier-1988

In 1972, French civil servant Pierre Tissier had an idea for a multi-wheeled vehicle based on the Citroën DS. With vans being cumbersome and large trucks too slow, he...

Citroën Traction Avant 15-Six-1953

The Citroën “Traction Avant” (translated as “front drive”) was introduced in 1934 as the 7A; this 15-Six model was introduced in 1938, and was a radically different concept from...

Citroën Type 350- 1968

The Citroën Type 350 (series n) was launched in 1964. Design of the body, with strong similarities to its predecessor the Ami 6, was the last work of designer...

Citroën Visa Club- 1983

The Citroën Visa, conceived in the early 1970s as Project Y2, was envisioned as a replacement for the Ami 8. Initially a joint venture with Fiat, Citroën was forced...

Citroën Visa GTi Rally Car- 1983

The Citroën Visa, conceived in the early 1970s as Project Y2, was envisioned as a replacement for the Ami 8. Citroën was forced to redesign the car after its...

Clifft Commutercycle- 1974

In 1973, Dale Clifft set out to build a small, fuel-efficient vehicle to use as a commuter vehicle in his southern California hometown of Tarzana. Working in a friend’s...

Clifft Go-Peds- 1978

Dale Clifft, creator of the Clifft Commutercycle, invented the Go-Ped in the late 1970s. The Go-Ped is a power assisting device for manually operated vehicles, such as a bicycle,...

Columbia Chainless Bicycle-1920

 Albert A. Pope, or Colonel Pope as he liked to be known, was a tireless promoter of his Columbia brand. In an effort to develop a premium product that...

Condor A250-1969

  Condor motorcycles began as a bicycle works, Scheffer Freres, (Scheffer Brothers) in the Jura Mountains of southwestern Switzerland in 1891. By 1904, the company was known as Condor,...


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