Daily demonstrations at 11am, free with admission!


Please note that the cars or exhibit items shown in this database are part of our collection but may not be on display when you visit.

Citroën 2CV “Yacco” Racer- 1981

As far back as the early 1930s, Citroën teamed with Yacco, an oil company in France, for endurance testing on Citroën automobiles. These cars were tested at Montlhéry, a...

Citroën 2CV 1975

Twenty-five years after production began, the 2CV has been through minor changes. Compare the similarities and differences of this later model 2CV with the older grey 1954 2CV. Although...

Citroën 2CV 4×4 Sahara 1962

Citroën wanted to create a four wheel drive car for use in Africa to take the rugged terrain encountered during oil and mineral exploration. Instead of going with a...

Citroën 2CV 4×4-Voisin-1978

Citroën’s easily adaptable 2CV seemed to be a good starting point for French engineer Marc Voisin to create a true four-wheel drive offering. While the earlier 2CV Sahara had...

Citroën 2CV AK250 Truckette- 1971

The 2CV “Fourgonnette” (or Truckette) played as important a part of the 2CV story as the car. Ultimately, over a million examples were built, which accounted for nearly a...

Citroën 2CV Amphibious- 1978

This car started as a stock Citroën 2CV. As the 2CV was found to be affordable and easy to maintain, it was an ideal car for enthusiasts to create...

Citroën 2CV Race Car- 1980

This race car started as a stock Citroën 2CV. As the 2CV was found to be affordable and easy to maintain, it was an ideal fit with the racing...

Citroën 2CV Ripple Bonnet- 1954

The Citroën 2CV was designed to offer minimal-cost rural transportation. Designers were challenged to build a car that would carry two people and a 250 pound sack of potatoes...

Citroën 2CV Saloon-1964

The peoples’ car of France, originally developed before WWII, the 2CV did not go into production until 1950 because of the war.  The press laughed at the car, claiming...

Citroën 5CV Trefle- 1924

The Citroën 5CV was shown at the Paris Salon in 1921, and production began in 1922. For the first time in France, the marketing was slanted toward feminine clientele,...

Citroën 7C- 1937

André Citroën introduced his first car to the public in 1919, and within two weeks received 16,000 orders for the Type a 10CV. The company steadily grew through the...

Citroën AMI 6- 1969

The Citroën Ami 6 was launched in 1961 as “the world’s most comfortable medium class car.” The arrival of the Ami 6 filled the demand for Citroën to produce...

Citroën AMI 8 Break 1977

The Citroën Ami 8 was presented to the public at the Geneva Motor Show in March 1969. The Ami 8 was far more conventional in appearance than the Ami...

Citroën Ami Super Break-1973

The Citroën Ami Super was launched in January 1973 and, while it looks like the Ami 8, it has a larger, more powerful horizontally-opposed flat 4-cylinder air cooled engine...


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