Daily demonstrations at 11am, free with admission!


Please note that the cars or exhibit items shown in this database are part of our collection but may not be on display when you visit.

Calfee Luna-Tri Frame -1995

Craig Calfee is a pioneer frame builder specializing in carbon fiber and bamboo design, manufacturing, and repair. He began by building custom carbon fiber frames in 1987 under the...

Cannondale Prototype-1990s

On loan from Caleb Carter During the 1990s Cannondale was a very innovative company and built prototypes to showcase new technology. This bike is made entirely of aluminum, including...

Canta LX- 1998

Dutch manufacturer Waaijenberg introduced this two-seat microcar, the Canta, in 1995. With its low step-in height and the availability of hand controls, the Canta was specifically created to ensure...

Carter Town Shopper- 1942

At the outset of World War II, as American automobile factories were switching from making cars to making tanks, planes, jeeps, and munitions, a few independent car companies remained...

Castarede Special- 1947

The Castarede Special is a one-of-a-kind three-wheeler constructed by Pierre Castarede in post-WWII France. It utilizes a 1938 Gnome & Rhone motorcycle and the remains of an Amilcar. This...

Cat Cheetah -1998

The Cat Cheetah was created by Rudi Kurth, a Swiss engineering prodigy. Rudi trained initially on the construction of lightweight panels for race cars and also built and raced...

Caterham 7 Blackbird- 2001

The Caterham 7 Blackbird was launched in front of the world’s automotive press on July 8, 1999, at the F1 Circuit in Portugal, and the performance from this 1000cc...

Caterham Seven Series 3 Twin Cam- 1981

In June 1973, Caterham cars took over production of the Lotus Seven. The move was a historic one and secured Caterham’s long-term future. Three decades, and ten thousand sales...

Centaur Folding Scooter- 1964

The Centaur Folding Scooter was designed by James Wilford Foster, formerly an American employee of Lambretta, an Italian scooter manufacturer. Marketed as America’s only “full-size” folding scooter, the relatively...

Chevrolet Corphibian- 1961

In 1961, Chevrolet introduced the Corvair 95 Greenbriar van and Rampside pickup. Using a shorter 95-inch wheelbase, the van and pickup expanded the Corvair model range now comprised of...

Chevrolet Corvair Wagon-1962

One of the most controversial cars to ever come from Detroit, the Corvair still sparks conversations and perpetuates myths to this day. With a ten-year production run and 1.8...

Cicostar LCS- 1979

The fuel crisis of the 1970’s hit Europe as hard as it did the USA. French legislators adopted a novel plan – encouraging small, regional manufacturers to produce small,...

Citroën 2CV “Naked”- 1974

This bare chassis gives an unrestricted view of the inner workings of the famous Citroën 2CV, or “Deux Chevaux”, including its longitudinal suspension, air-cooled 602cc engine, unusual shifter linkage,...


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