Transformers Toy Collection Now On Display

Transformers are a popular series of action figures that can be shifted from a robot into an animal, device, or, most commonly, a vehicle. While the toy line was originally introduced in the 1980s, it has gained a recent revival thanks largely to a series of live-action movies and the reintroduction of the figures themselves.

The extensive collection of Transformer models, generously provided by Nashville local Lucas Leverett, will be on display at the museum from July 15 until August 12, and will feature popular characters Optimus Prime and BumbleBee, as well as many other favorite characters from both the original and modern series.

Leverett is a lifelong Transformers enthusiast, and his love of the series and all things “geek” inspired him to work with and eventually chair both the Middle TN Anime Convention and Geek Media Expo, annual events aimed at bringing together like-minded fans. His next event, the Geek Media Expo Volume 3, takes place in October. To learn more about either event, visit http://MTAC.net or http://GeekMediaExpo.com.

1988 Citroën Tissier

This 1988 Citroën Tissier (left)is the same kind of car that was used as the basis for the original Rodiumus Prime character and can be seen on display behind the museum next to our 194,000 lb LARC-LX.

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