MG TF- 1954
In 1936 the MG (which stands for Morris Garage) Car Company began production of the T-series. They introduced the MGTA Midget with just over 3,000 being produced. Then came the MGTB, and only a few were produced before World War II broke out. During World War II production of MG’s ceased as the company was put into service for the war effort, making tanks, airplane parts, and other military items. When the war ended, MG was anxious to get back to making sports cars, and the TC was produced from 1945-49. Seeing the U.S. had much more cash available to spend, the company made a drastic change in marketing to focus on North America. A total redesign of the MGTC was necessary which led to the MGTD. From the TD emerged the MGTF–with a restyled body, a more idealized shape, increased power output, and improved comfort and accessibility.